Saint Aldhelm was born in the year 640 in England into a noble family. He decided to live as a hermit, then became a monk, and eventually served as a spiritual director to other monks. When he became abbot, he reformed his abbey along the lines of the Benedictine reform that was sweeping Europe at the time. The changes he made were so successful that he established other houses, as well as churches. The first church organ in all of England was installed around the year 700 under his direction.
But Aldhelm’s building skills weren’t his only gift. He was an inspiring preacher, a poet and musician, and was widely known for his spiritual writing. When disputes arose between the Celtic Christians and the Anglo-Saxon Christians, Aldhelm was sent to Rome to discuss and resolve the differences between the two groups of people with the pope.
Aldhelm was named bishop of Sherborne in 705 and died four years later of natural causes.
Saint Aldhelm, show me how to reform my life.