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Jesus Christ’s Grandparents

Yes, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had grandparents. This should not surprise anyone. After all, every human baby has a mother and a father, and those parents have parents too. Since Jesus was born of a woman—like all of us—Jesus had grandparents. However, the only inerrant source of information about our Lord is the […]

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The Blood-stained Book of Saint Boniface

He was given the name of Winfrid at his baptism in about the year 680. Born in southern England and educated at a monastery school, Winfrid eventually chose to become a monk himself. His reputation as a teacher and scholar attracted many students to his school and led him to be chosen as the school’s […]

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The Good Pope John XXIII

The life of Pope Saint John XXIII reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways and that sometimes God even has a sense of humor. After all, the 261st pope did not come from a wealthy or noble background. Instead, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (1881-1963) was born on a farm in northern Italy. His parents […]

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Why Fátima Matters

In the year 1917, near the end of World War I, three Portuguese children claimed to have seen and heard the Blessed Mother. After the local bishop investigated the children’s statements, examined the messages they were given, and analyzed the descriptions provided by other witnesses, he declared the events worth of belief and permitted public […]

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The Hidden Saint Mark

We call the Gospel of Mark the Gospel of Mark for a simple reason: the most ancient copies of that document are titled “According to Mark”. But what do we really know about the human author whom we call Saint Mark the Evangelist? Like all the Gospel writers, Saint Mark is commonly portrayed in art […]

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The Real Story of Saint Patrick

The great Saint Patrick of Ireland is a larger-than-life figure who is known by millions, Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Some of the stories that are commonly told about him can seem more like fiction than fact. Is it possible to separate fanciful Irish tales from the real fifth-century man? Quite a few stories about Patrick’s […]

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Fra Angelico, Artist and Saint

The world knows him as Fra Angelico, one of the greatest painters of the early Renaissance. The Catholic Church calls him Blessed John of Fiesole, a Dominican friar who was known not only for his artistic ability but also for his holiness. We only know bits and pieces about most of his life story, particularly […]

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Saint Paul’s Conversion and the Eucharist

Shocked by survey results showing that the majority of Catholics don’t understand Church teaching on the Eucharist, the US bishops launched a Eucharistic Revival in 2022. This will lead up to a nationwide eucharistic congress in July of 2024. For that reason, 2024 is the perfect year for us to try to develop a better […]

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Charles de Foucauld: Not Your Typical Saint

On December 1, the Church remembers Saint Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916). Charles was such an obvious candidate for canonization that it’s surprising that he was not beatified until 2005 and canonized until 2022. After all, he was respected even by his Muslim neighbors when he died as a hermit in the African desert, and his […]

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Praying for the Poor Souls with Saint Gertrude the Great

Each year on November 2, the Church invites us to pray for all the faithful departed who have not yet entered into Heaven. Now commonly called the poor souls in Purgatory, these are the baptized men, women, and children who have died, desire to spend eternity with God, and need to be purified of their […]

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The Miracles of Pope Saint John Paul II

He filled Yankee Stadium when he visited America in 1979. Five million people showed up when he led World Youth Day in 1995 in Manila in the Philippines. Is it possible to say anything new about a pope who has been personally seen by millions of people during one of the longest reigns in papal […]

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Padre Pio and the Wounds of Christ

Most Catholics have heard of Padre Pio, and many of those Catholics know a lot about him. They know that he was born Francesco Forgione in Pietrelcina, Italy, in 1887, that he became a Franciscan priest, that he received the stigmata, and that he had become internationally known as a holy man by the time […]

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Saint Maximilian Kolbe’s Love for the Mother of God

Each year, my pastor reminds us parishioners that Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe (1894-1941) continues to make sacrifices for our Blessed Mother, decades after he died. After all, since he is commemorated by the Church on the date of his death, August 14, the celebration of his feast day is always cut short by the celebration […]

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The Mistakes We Make about the Saints

As I’ve been talking to people about my new book, I’ve noticed five mistakes that Catholics commonly make when they talk about the saints. And I can explain and debunk those errors using only saints who are celebrated in one week in the Church’s calendar during July. The first common error is to assume that […]

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Two Great Traveler Saints for July

Before Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, He gave His apostles their marching orders. He explicitly told them: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation (Mark 16:15)”. And so they did. The Twelve obediently began preaching and traveling all over the known world, bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ […]

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