The Leaven of the Saints: Bringing Christ into a Fallen World

The Leaven of the Saints: Bringing Christ into a Fallen World

How the saints transform the world

How did the saints change their families, communities, and even countries? Find out how martyrs and mystics, Fathers of the Church and Doctors of the Church, married saints and clergy, apostles and popes have all changed the world over the centuries—and how we can do the same as we draw close to Jesus Christ.

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About the Book

The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened. Matthew 13:33

How can we be part of the kingdom of heaven here and now and spread it to others, like leaven causing a lump of dough to rise and expand?

Just look at the lives of the saints. Over the past two millennia, the Church has recognized thousands of men and women who have loved and imitated Christ so wholeheartedly that they transformed the world around them—as they were transformed themselves.

The saints have come from every background, people, and era. They have been rich and poor, healthy and sick, single and married, members of the clergy and of the laity. The Leaven of the Saints groups them according to the kind of Christian witness they have given the world—as martyrs, Fathers and Doctors of the Church, priests and religious, popes and bishops, national heroes, founders of religious orders, married persons, and more.

The vastness of this work reveals an important truth: that each saint is a unique individual with a unique mission to grow in the knowledge and love of Christ and to make him better known and loved in the world.

Author: Dawn Marie Beutner
Genres: Catholic, Christian Personal Growth, Christian Saints
Publisher: Ignatius Press
Publication Year: 2023
Format: Paperback
Length: 328 pages
ASIN: 1621645614
ISBN: 9781621645610
List Price: 19.95
Amidst the demands of life and the experience of our own weaknesses, great sanctity can seem remote, even impossible to many people. Fortunately, Dawn Beutner has written a book which reminds us daily that it is God who makes saints through his grace and love. And if God has already transformed so many witnesses of his Son's redemptive love in the world, can't he do the same for us?
– Fr. Sebastian White, O.P., Editor-in-Chief, Magnificat
Dawn Beutner provides a fresh presentation on the importance of the saints in our lives. She weaves a tapestry from the example of saints of all ages, nationalities, vocations, and occupations, from the beginnings of the Church to present day, to show what they teach about vocation, virtue, and daily living. You will be able to identify with the message of these saints and apply it to living a Christian life.
– Most Rev. Michael Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington, Virginia
Dawn Marie Beutner

Dawn Marie Beutner entered the Catholic Church as a young adult and worked as an engineer before becoming a technical writer.
She, her husband, and her two children live in northern Virginia, where she leads various parish groups that promote life issues, serve the needy, and learn about the Bible and the Catholic faith.

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