Blessed Michelina (1300-1356) was born into a wealthy family of the Italian nobility. She married and had a son. But when both her son and husband died, she was still a young woman. Her grief overwhelmed her at first, but her maid, who was a faithful Catholic and is now known as Blessed Soriana, led Michelina to healing and a greater trust and love for God.
Michelina gave away her wealth to help orphans, widows, and the poor, began practicing a life of deep prayer and penance, and became a Third Order Franciscan. Her noble family members thought she’d lost her mind and literally locked her up for a short time, but they eventually let her go and allowed her to live the penitential life she had chosen.
Michelina helped the poor and the sick, received visions of Jesus Christ, and made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Some say she received the stigmata. She died of natural causes on this date.
Blessed Michelina, help me trust God with my life.